873-825-7060 | toll free 1-877-447-3423  |

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About Us

What is a Women’s Centre?

A warm and welcoming space where you can:
• Meet other people, share in conversation;
• Get to know yourself better, validate yourself and accept yourself for who you are;
• Acquire tools to improve your physical and psychological health, your emotional and financial autonomy, or simply in order to learn;
• Develop mutually supportive relationships, solidarity and friendships;
• Get involved in a committee or on a project.

Our Mission

(Coming soon)

Meet Our Team


Training & Integration
Administration, Board of Directors



Intervention & Human Resources




Internal and external communications




Living environment and mobilization



Carole Poulin

Board of Directors

Delphine Ngwenyi Teforlack

Board of Directors

Dora Golden-One

Board of Directors

Edith Blais

Board of Directors

Liming Gendron

Board of Directors

Manon Poulin

Board of Directors

Our Approaches

Intersectional Feminist Approach

(Coming soon)

A feminist approach also supports a comprehensive approach, meaning:

• Considering participants as fully fledged people;
• Supporting participants’ dignity and potential;
• Helping participants understand that experiences which feel unique can, in fact, be shared and understood by others;
• Working with an anti-oppressive approach.

Our History

(Coming soon)